
Showing posts from June, 2024

Membrane transport cell biology notes


Steps in Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis

  Intrinsic pathway of Apoptosis Severe DNA damage signals for increase in Bax/Bak dimers. Bax/Bak dimers form channel on mitochondrial membrane. Cytochrome c escape from these channels out of mitochondria. In the cytosol cytochrome c bind to apaf and activate them by a conformation change. Activated Apaf1 assembled into Heptamer. It now bind to initiaitor caspases ie. Procaspases 9. Activated caspases 9 activate executioner caspapses(3)

Structure of Volvox- Green Algae

  Systematic Position: Distribution of Volvox: Structure:

Barrier/Issue in curriculum implementation/ Need of curriculum renewal

 Meaning and Concept:  Curriculums include all the activities that leads to overall development of child. Curriculum implementation is the process in which all the curricular content and students come in contact through various activities organised by teachers or institution. It also means putting document to practice. According to IGI Global: It is the act of working out on the plans and suggestions that have been made by curriculum specialist in a classroom. It cannot take place without learners Barriers /Issue in curriculum implementation 'OR'  Need of curriculum review and renewal It demands democratic change Due to demand of pedagogical change Staff development Demand of update of latest information Lack of time and investation Lower wages of staff Staff stability Rapidity of change Research Teaching Learning material Lack of funds Lack of knowledge Requirement of resources Inability to manage classroom Barriers of Understandability Too much workload Non utilization of res

Counselling interview and role of teacher in counselling

Steps Of Counselling Interview Establishment of Relationship Assessment Setting Goals Interventions Termination and Follow Up Role of Counsellor/Teacher in Counselling Assist the students to make adjustments in varied life situations. Encourage students to participate Show concern for overall development of students. Aids students in Self Esteem, Self understanding and self direction. Encourage students to manage time efficiently Assist the students in understanding their strengths and limitations Arrange academic guidance and support service. Provide assistance in career awareness Identification the problem Collection of data Interpretation of data Examining data Validating data Gave positive regards Good communication styles.  

Educational Guidance-Meaning, Need and Importance

  Education Guidance concerned with assistance given to pupil in their choices and adjustments with relation to schools, curricula and course. ~A Jonne's Educational guidance is intended to aid the individual in choosing an appropriate program and in making progress in it. ~Ruth Strong Need and Importance of Educational Guidance 1.Educational guidance to administered students 2.Education guidance as a remedy 3.Making education child centred 4.To solve the problems/Queries: 5.To solve stagnation and wastage problem 6.Appropriate selection of subject options 7.Adjustment in school environment 8.Opportunities in higher education 9.Proving opportunities and Awareness 10.Learning new techniques in education 11.To deal with student problems 1.       Help them rejecting the blind acceptance attitude 12.To support First generation learners- whose parents never gone to school 14.To deal with generic student problems- homesickness, loneliness etc 14.To explore educational possibilities 15.T

Meaning and Principles of Guidance

  INTRODUCTION: Guidance is the assistance given to an individual to make right and intelligent choices as well as adjustments. It is the right of an individual to choose what is right for them and the ability to make choices is not inborn but developed and education helps in building such choices hence the greater source of guidance. Guidance does not make choices for an individual but help them to make their own choices to promote their ability to make decisions Definitions: Guidance can be defined as the help or assistance given by one person who is specialized in their field to another person in making choices, solving their problems and promote their overall development. According to Arbuckle et al. (1966) Guidance is a concept as well as a process. According to Shertzer and Stone~ It is the process of helping individuals to understand themselves and the world. Principles of Guidance Holistic development of individual. Respect to Individual differences. Guidance is a lifelon