Educational Guidance-Meaning, Need and Importance


  • Education Guidance concerned with assistance given to pupil in their choices and adjustments with relation to schools, curricula and course. ~A Jonne's
  • Educational guidance is intended to aid the individual in choosing an appropriate program and in making progress in it. ~Ruth Strong
Need and Importance of Educational Guidance

1.Educational guidance to administered students

2.Education guidance as a remedy

3.Making education child centred

4.To solve the problems/Queries:

5.To solve stagnation and wastage problem

6.Appropriate selection of subject options

7.Adjustment in school environment

8.Opportunities in higher education

9.Proving opportunities and Awareness

10.Learning new techniques in education

11.To deal with student problems

1.     Help them rejecting the blind acceptance attitude

12.To support First generation learners- whose parents never gone to school

14.To deal with generic student problems- homesickness, loneliness etc

14.To explore educational possibilities

15.To overcome educational challenges: academic pressure and career ambiguity

16.Psychological well being

17.Orientation and articulation of parents and teachers


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