What is Pollination?
The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of flower is called as Pollination.
Types of Pollination
1.Self Pollination/ Autogamy:
The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower is called as Self Pollination.
Homogamy is that condition in which anther and stigma mature at same time that promotes self-pollination
In some plants the anthers bend toward stigma for pollination, carpel curls to receive pollen and in some cases movement of sepals and petals bring anther and stigma together in a same flower.
CLEISTOGAMY: The bisexual flowers that do not open are cleistogamous flowers. Pollination in cleistogamous flowers is called as cleistogamy. They are very small and not coloured.
Examples: Viola, Oxalis, Commelina benghalensis, Drosera.
2. Geitonogamy:
The transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of flower on same plant or genetically similar plant is called as Geitonogamy.
3.Cross Pollination/Allogamy/Xenogamy
The transfer of pollen grains from anther of a flower to stigma of another flower that is genetically dissimilar plant is called as Allogamy/Xenogamy.
The genetically dissimilar plant must be of same species.
Conditions that prevent self-pollination and promote cross pollination:
1. Dicliny: Presence of Unisexual flowers in a plant. Example: Mulberry, Papaya.
Diocy: A condition where male and female flowers present on seperate plant
2.Self Sterility: Failure of fertilisation after self pollination.
3.Homogamy: A condition where stigma and anther of bisexual flower mature at same time
Example: In Solanum, Catharanthus, Mirabilis jalapa.
4.Dichogamy: A condition during which anther and stigma mature at different time
Protandry: If male sex organ/Anther mature first it is called as Protandry. Example: Sunflower, Clerodendron Cotton Maize etc.
Protogyny: If female sex organ/Carpel mature first it is called as Protgyny. Example: Mirabilis, Plantago etc.
5.Herkogamy: A condition where the development of anther and stigma of flowers takes place at different time. Example: In Pansy, Calotropis etc.
This condition may act as barrier for self-pollination and self-sterility.
Example: In Petunia axillaris
6.Heterostyly: Different types of flower on the basis of anther, style and pollen types.
Diheterostyly: Two types of flower: Pin eyed and Thrum eyed
Example: In Primula vulgaris, jasmine
TriHeterostyly: Three types of flower
In Lathyrus
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