
Pedigree method of selection in plant breeding; Bulk Selection Method; Agriculture notes simple and easy.

Pollination, Fertilization and Self Incompatibility. Botany simple and easy notes for NEET/ B.Sc. M.Sc. TGT/PGT Exams

SAMPLE Lesson plan on Water cycle.

Bulk method of selection in plant breeding; Bulk Selection Method; Agriculture notes simple and easy.

What is Aneuploidy. Simple and Easy notes.

What is Allopolyploidy, Polyploidy in Plants simple and easy notes.

What is DNA Footprinting and Nucleic Acid Footprinting? Basic principle.

Sample lesson plan EVS for BTC/ D.El.Ed /JBT with easy language and teaching material

Mitochondria easy and simple notes with questions(MCQ), Cell Organelle, Biology, For NEET, Bsc, Msc, Teaching exams

Extraction methods of Dyes from plants, Natural and Synthetic dyes, Sources of dyes

Centers of Diversity, Vavilov centers of diversity, Primary and Secondary centers of diversity of plants. Simple and easy notes for Bsc, Msc and agriculture students.