Pedigree method of selection in plant breeding; Bulk Selection Method; Agriculture notes simple and easy.

  • STEP 1: The first step in this process is Hybridization between heterozygous parents P1 and P2.
  • STEP 2: Hybridization produces F1 generation.
  • STEP 3 The selfing of F1 generation produces F2 population.
  • STEP 4: Single plant selection carried out at F2 generation.
  • STEP 5: The F2 single selected plants are grown in Head rows in F3 generation.
  • STEP 6: The most desirable single plants are selected from head rows and they are grown in plant rows again in F4 generation.
  • STEP 7: The process is repeated until we get homozygous plants (upto F5)
  • STEP 8: The most productive rows were now bulk selected at this stage and send for trials at F6 generation.
How this method differs from Bulk Selection? 
  • The single plant selection is done at F2 to F6 generation.
