Artificial Hybridisation: Concept, Meaning, Definitions, Emasculation and Bagging.

There is a degree or proportion by which parents differ from offspring this is called as Variations.

These Variations are naturally maintained by environment but disturbed by human beings through Artificial Hybridization and Breeding programs.

By a cross between two plants an offspring is formed which is called as a Hybrid.

These hybrids are produced naturally by nature through transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a plant by natural or by biological source (Pollination)

Nowadays Hybrids were produced artificially by Plant Breeders through an approach called as Artificial Hybridisation.

Artificial Hybridisation is an approach used in crop improvement in which desired pollen grains are transferred to a female plant.

To achieve Artificial Hybridisation two techniques mainly used: Emasculation and Bagging.

What is Emasculation and Bagging ?

Emasculation is a technique in which anthers were removed from a bisexual plant.

Anthers were removed so that self-pollination is prevented and desired pollens were transferred to flower.

After Emasculation flowers were covered with a bag and this process is called as Bagging.

After maturation of stigma mature pollen grains were transferred to emasculated plant and then the flower is rebagged.

There will be no need for emasculation in unisexual flowers.

In Pistillate flowers there is no need of emasculation, the flower buds are bagged before flowers open


The Question below consist of two statements an Assertion (A) and Reason (R) indicate your answer from the alternatives below: (NVS PGT Biology)

Assertion: The pistillate flowers are bagged before flowers open during Artificial Hybridisation

Reason: There is no need for emasculation in pistillate flower.

  1. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  3. A is the correct but R is False
  4. Bot A and R are false

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