Typification: Type concept in Taxonomy I Botanical Nomenclature I Holotype, Isotype, Syntype, Paratype, Lectotype
Type method is one of the methods used for naming organisms.
According to this concept there is a TYPE for naming organisms called as Nomenclature Type.
Certain representative of a group are the source for naming that group that representative is known as Nomenclature Type.
The type needs to be particular member of the group.
Type can be a synonym.
For Example:
The Nomenclature Type for Mimosa is Family Mimosaceae.
The family Urticaceae, similarly, has Urtica as its type.
The type for Rosa Chinensis is genus Rosa
We can understand the concept of various TYPE depending upon the way in which a type specimen is selected: -
The name Rosa davurica var. alpestris (Nakai) Kitag. was published in 1979 as a new combination based on R. rubro-stipullata var. alpestris Nakai.
Here R. rubro-stipullata var. alpestris is the type specimen for naming Rosa davurica var. alpestris
If this type specimen was the original collected plant by author than this is named as HOLOTYPE, and author can prepare a duplicate of this called as ISOTYPE.
If by chance a HOLOTYPE is not designated yet, in that case one or two specimens can be used for naming purpose other than Holotype and Isotype, this is called as SYNTYPE.
But if HOLOTYPE get misplaced or lost than the sample is again collected from original plant and called as a LECTOTYPE.
If Holotype is not available and original plant is also not available than type specimen used at that time is called as NEOTYPE.
If Holotype, Isotype, Syntype is not available than type specimen is called as PARATYPE.
Some of the Definitions are as follows:
Holotype: A particular specimen or illustration designated by the author (Herbaria sheet) of the species to represent type of a species. For the purpose of typification, a specimen is a gathering, or part of a gathering
Isotype: A specimen which is a duplicate of Holotype collected from the same place, at the same time and by the same person.
Syntype: Any one of the two or more specimens cited by the author when no holotype was designated, or any one of the two or more specimens simultaneously designated as types.
Paratype: A paratype is a specimen cited in the protologue that is neither the holotype nor an isotype, nor one of the syntypes if two or more specimens were simultaneously designated as types.
Lectotype: A specimen or any other element selected from the original material cited by the author when no holotype was originally selected or when it no longer exists or Material is collected for second time.
Neotype: A specimen or illustration selected to serve as nomenclatural type as long as all of the material on which the name of the taxon was based is missing, a specimen or an illustration selected when no holotype, isotype, paratype or syntype exists.
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