About Pseudomonas
The genus Pseudomonas is a group of ubiquitous microorganisms found in diverse habitats such as water, soil, and plant surfaces.
It has simple nutritional requirements.
It is a gram-negative bacterium.
It is a motile, rod shaped bacterium with polar flagella.
The rhizosphere is a microbial zone area in which root associated pseudomonads play a important role as plant health managers.
Beneficial Pseudomonas are rapid root colonizers, they directly and indirectly improving plant growth and yield.
Tumor induction by Pseudomonas savastonai
P.savastonai cuses KNOTS and GALL on members of genera Oleaceae.
Symptoms of infected plant include OVERGROWTH on the stem and branches of host plants.
Overgrowth may also be seen on leaves and fruits.
At present only P. savastonia determinant is known to be involved in knot development.
It is also involved in Auxin and Cytokinin biosynthesis.
Also known as Plant Growth Promoting bacteria.
Symptoms of infected trees include hyperplastic growths (tumorous galls or knots) on the stems and branches of the host plant and, occasionally, on leaves and fruits.
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