The process of development of pant organs in vitro by plant tissue culture is called ORGANOGENESIS.
Organ can be root, shoot or embryo depending upon that they are called as root organogenesis, shoot organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis.
These freshly originated organs developed are called adventitious.
Skoog and Miller reported that the organogenesis was balance of Auxin and Cytokinin.
In Organogenesis depending on nature of growth hormone in medium Shoot or Root originate first.
The phenomenon of ORGANOGENESIS is based upon principle of CELLULAR POTENCY. Plant cells are of TOTIPOTENT nature means they have the ability to divide and produce all the cells.
For example: - A plant cutting or Callus can be used to grow an entire plant.
Totipotency depends upon COMPETENCE that is ability of a cell to be induced to a particular development pathway
Second thing in DETERMINATION which means cells become irreversibly committed to particular pathway.
To express totipotency by mature differentiated cell it must undergo DEDIFFRENTIATION and REDIFFRENTIATION.
DEDIFFRENTIATION: - A mature cell reverts to meristematic state and form undifferentiated callus.
REDIFFRENTIATION: -It is the conversion of competent callus cell to whole plant.
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