Modifications of Leaf II Morphology of Flowering Plants II Free Study Material II Lets Bloom Study Material II
Modifications of Leaf
1.Tendrils: Leaves get modified or changed to a Wirey, Coiled structure called as Tendrils.
In some plants like Wild Pea (Pisum aphaca) entire leaves get modified to tendril and stipule modified to leaf. This type of modification is called as Entire Leaf modification.
In plants like Sweet Pea ((Pisum sativum) upper leaflets of pinna get changed or modified to tendrils and lower leaflets remain as it is, this is called as Upper leaf modification.
2.Spine: Sometimes the leaf gets modified to pointed structure called as Spine. Such as in Opuntia.
3.Phyllode: This is the modification of Petiole, here petiole modified to sickle shaped structure called as Phyllode
In Acacia the leaves of bipinnate leaves shed off then petiole will modify to phyllode.
Types of Leaf
- Foliage Leaf: They are the common green leaves for Photosynthesis. It is also called as Trophophylls.
- Cotyledons Leaf: Sometimes cotyledons manufacture food and become cotyledonary leaves.
- Scale Leaf/Cataphyll: They are non-green, sessile, membranous structure on underground stem. They protect the developing buds.
- Prophyll: First two leaves formed on a branch that differ from others.
- Floral Leaves: Sepals and Petals are the Floral leaves. They protects developing Inflorescence. Also called as Hypsophylls
- The collective term for all the leaves of a plant is Phyllome.
Types of Venations:
Parallel Venation: Mostly in Monocots.
Reticulate Venation: Mostly in Diocots.
Fructose Venation: Dichotomous branching of veins and veinlets as in ferns and ginkgo.
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