"Unfolding Nature's Story: The Journey of Leaf Development" II Morphology of Flowering Plants II Free Notes II #biology #botany #basics #developmentalbiology


  • Leaf is formed Exogenously while lateral roots are endogenous in origin.
  • Leaf Primordia is the earliest stage of development of leaf.
  • Leaf primordium generally begins as a slight bulge/Ridge on the flank of the SAM
  • In Dicots, the SAM is found between the two cotyledons and is the site of leaf initiation.
  • In the region of SAM there are ridges that broaden out to form emerging Leaf Primordia. These ridges are also called as Leaf Buttresses alternate in a genetically determined pattern called as Phyllotaxy.
  • During the formation of leaf primordia there is change in size and form of ridges that ultimately forms leaf.
  • The time between the formation of these successive primordia and during which these changes in form and size occurs is called Plastochron.
  • In Monocots shoots typically do not show tip growth or have a shoot apical meristem.
  • Instead, stem and leaf growth are driven by mitosis in a loose arrangement of meristematic cells that are scattered throughout a zone called an intercalary meristem.
  • Intercalary meristems are found between the nodes or at the base of leaves.

