Clonal Selection method in Plant Breeding

 What is Clonal Selection?

  • A clone is a population of individuals with very little genetic variation among them and that are derived from a single individual by Vegetative Propagation.
  • Clone can be defined as the group of plants obtained from a single plant by vegetative propagation such as Cutting, Grafting, Layering etc.
  • FIRST YEAR: Prepare a clonal population by vegetative propagation. A plant of Clonal Population can be called as Clone.
  • SECOND YEAR: Pick out beneficial clones from the clonal population for cultivation. This step is called as Clonal Selection.
  • Individuals must be in Heterozygous condition, meaning the heterozygous condition present in the parent will be retained in the offspring.
  • THIRD YEAR: Preliminary Yield trial for selected clones for quality, disease resistance check.
  • Fourth- Sixth YEAR: Multilocation Yield trials in different regions
  • SEVENTH YEAR: The best clone is multiplied r released as a new variety.
