Life History is Monogenetic include only single host.
It lives in small intestine- jejunum part
Involve two larval stages- Rhabiditi larva and Fillarial form
Steps in Life cycle:
Ancyclostoma duedenale head part comprises of Buccal Capsule and Copulatory spicules in case of male.
Stage 1: Passage of eggs from infected host: The infected host releases eggs through feces in blastomere stage in environment.
Stagec2: Development of eggs in soil: Eggs undergo further division forming larvae- Rhabiditi larva which is feeding one undergo molting then form Filariform larva.
Stage 3: Entry of Filariform larva from environment to the host (man) through legs while walking on grass.
Stage 4 : Entry of larva in blood circulation. It then enters the lungs then stomach finally migrate to small intestine.
In intestine it attains functional maturity and develop to complete ancyclostoma.
It is then resdy to copulate again and release the eggs through feces.
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