Measurement Of Productivity in ecosystem

Productivity in an ecosystem can be defined as the amount of organic matter produced by photosynthetic organism during which light energy from sun is converted to chemical energy by plants.


Productivity is usually measured as the rate at which energy or biomass is produced per unit area per unit time. This rate is expressed in such terms as kilocalories per square per year (kcal/m2/yr) a measured or energy or grams per square meter per year a measure of biomass. Various techniques used to estimate primary productivity are given below:

The method adopted for the measurement of production in plants varies depending on the type of plant, the specific research objective, and the available resources. Here are some common methods used for measuring production in plants:

  • Light and Dark Bottle Method
  • Radioactive Tracer Method
  • Chlorophyll Concentration
  • Carbon Dioxide Flux
  • Harvest Analysis
  • Dimension Analysis

1.Light and Dark Bottle Method:

This method is employed to measure primary productivity in an aquatic ecosystem such as a pond.

It is based upon the assumption that the amount of oxygen produced is proportional to gross production because one molecule of oxygen is produced for each atom of carbon fixed.

Samples of water from different depths are placed in paired bottles. One of the paired bottles is covered with black tape or aluminium foil to exclude light and other is kept clear to admit light and allow photosynthesis. The oxygen concentration of the bottles is determined by Winkles method. The bottles are suspended to the same depth from where samples were collected with the help of string. After 24 hours the bottles are removed their oxygen concentration is determined and compared with the concentration at the beginning.

The decline of oxygen in the dark bottle indicates the amount of respiration by producers and consumers where the oxygen change in the light bottle reflects the net result of oxygen consumed by respiration and oxygen produced. Adding respiration and production together or subtracting final oxygen concentration in the dark bottle from that in the light bottles give an estimate of gross productivity for 24 hours. This method has its problems. Some of the respiration attributed to phytoplankton may be bacterial. The phytoplankton population may increase in the bottle during the experimental time but not in dark bottle.

The procedure is based on the assumption that respiration in the dark is the same as in the light.

2.Radioactive Tracer Method:

It is one of the most useful and sensitive method useful to estimate primary productivity in an aquatic ecosystem especially in lakes and oceans. It is based upon measurement of CO2 uptake.

The method involves addition of radioactive carbon as carbonate to a sample of water in clear and unstable carbon are assimilated into carbohydrates and become part of the protoplasm of phytoplankton.

The plankton material is removed from the water washed dried and place in a counting chamber to determine the level of radioactivity. The radioactive counts are used to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide fix in photosynthesis using the photosynthetic equation.

The estimate is based on the assumption that of radioactive carbon is proportional to that of stable carbon. However in practice these may not be proportional therefore a correction factor for 14C* adsorption in dark bottle is required.

The technique has its deficiencies. It does not discriminate between respiration of phytoplankton and bacteria the uptake and release of 14C* by bacteria and zooplankton and the abilities of different species of phytoplankton to use available light.

3.Chlorophyll Concentration:

This method is based upon estimation of producer from chlorophyll concentration and light intensity through the water column. The technique evolved from the discovery by plant physiologist that a close relationship exists between chlorophyll concentration and photosynthesis at any given light intensity.

If the assimilation ratio and the available light are known then gross production can be estimated by the extracting pigments and then measuring the chlorophyll concentration with a spectrophotometer.

The method was first used to estimate primary productivity in large water bodies such as sea but later applied to terrestrial ecosystem as well as.

This method involves the determination of chlorophyll contents of phytoplankton in a given volume of water. Because all plant need chlorophyll to carry on photosynthesis the amount of chlorophyll in a given amount of water is a direct measure of the total biomass or standing crop of phytoplankton it contains. The chlorophyll is extracted chemically and the amount of chlorophyll is measured. The deeper the colour the greater is the concentration of the chlorophyll and therefore phytoplankton biomass. The technique has a problem that chlorophyll concentration varies with phytoplankton species and even within the cells of species. Further extraction technique may alter the chlorophyll.     

4.Carbon Dioxide Flux:

It is one of the most useful methods for estimating primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems.

It helps measuring both gross and net primary production. It involves measurement of the uptake of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and its release in respiration.

In this method a simple of community which may be twig and its leaves a segment of a tree stem the ground cover and soil surface or even a portion of the total community such as on-site sample of grassland is enclosed in a clear plastic tent. Air is drawn through the enclosure and the carbon dioxide concentration in incoming air and outgoing air is measured with an infrared gas analyzer or by absorption on a KOH column.

The assumption is that any carbon dioxide removed from the incoming air during the day has been incorporated into organic matter. Therefore the quantity of carbon dioxide in the enclosure is equivalent to photosynthesis minus respiration. A similar sample may be enclosed in dark enclosure.

The amount of carbon dioxide is produced in the dark bag is a measure of respiration when photosynthesis stops. The quantity of carbon in the light and dark enclosure added together estimates gross production.

5. Harvest Analysis (Standing Crop Method):

Harvest method is widely used to estimate in terrestrial ecosystem. It is most useful for estimating the production of cultivated land range and communities of annual plants were production starts from zero at seedling or planting time becomes maximum at harvest and is subject to minimal use by consumers.

The technique involves removing vegetation at periodic intervals and drying the samples to a constant weight. To obtain ‘n’ accurate estimate the production of plant biomass must be sampled throughout the growing season and the contribution of each species must be determined. Different species of plants reach their peak production at different times during the growing season. The difference in standing crop biomass between harvests periods expressed as germs per square meter per unit time provides an estimate of net primary productivity. Caloric value of the material can be determined through use of a calorimeter and biomass can be converted to calories. Net primary productivity is then expressed as kilocalories per square meter per year.

Harvest method provides information about above ground productivity usually because low ground productivity requires the samples of root biomass which is difficult at best. Although the roots of some annual and crops plant may be removed from the soil the task become more difficult with grass and herbaceous species and even more so with forest trees.

6.Dimension Analysis:

Because plant of different age, size and species make up the forest community modified harvest technique called dimension analysis is used by ecologist.

This method help to estimate standing crop and productivity from less intensive sampling. Dimension analysis involves the measurement of light, diameter or height and diameter growth and age is determined by growth ring analysis. Total weight both fresh and dry of leaves and branches as well as the weight of also determined. Often the roots are excavated and weighted.

Similarly biomass of ground vegetation litter fall is also determined. Net annual production of wood, bark, leaves, twigs, roots and flower is calculated. All these information are used to calculate production of trees and other vegetation in a sample unit. After dimension analysis the standing crop can be predicated by using data such as (diameter) 2 x height x and annual productivity by measuring current wood growth.
